"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life". Charles Darwin

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Watch A Baby Being Born

What? Birth is the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being. When? March 2, 2014. Where? Sharp Chula Vista Hopsital. Why? My aunt was pregnant and really wanted me to be present for the birth of her third daughter. Review: To be honest, I thought it was going to be a lot more gross. I thought there would be more blood and guts, but it was definitely worth seeing once. We all came from that, and I feel like witnessing it, made me feel old. It made me realize how this young girl has a clean slate, she has the potential to be Anything, and even though I'm not 80 years old, I still felt like these 18 years have passed so quickly, I can't imagine having my own kids within a few years and knowing they will never know what I have seen or felt in my life, but they will experience those things for themselves in their own way. My mother and I were in the hospital with my aunt, and her boyfriend for 21 hours!! Worth the wait and no sleep!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

First Rave

What? A rave is a large party or festival featuring performances by DJ's and occasionally live performers playing particularly electronic dance music. When? February 16, 2014. Where? San Diego Sports Arena. Why? I had been to a festival two years ago, and I really enjoyed it, but I wanted to attend a real rave. Review: I LOVED it! I went with my boyfriend, and we had one of the bet nights of our lives. We PLURed and it was such a unique experience. We already have plans to go to our next rave. We have started making kandi and thinking of who to invite so we can show all our friends!

Friday, February 14, 2014

First Time Cosmic Bowling

What? Cosmic bowling is similar to bowling, but the lights are out, play more recent/adult type music, and they have either disco balls or more recently, lasers. When? February 14, 2014. Where? Lake Forest Lanes. Why? My boyfriend and I got invited to go with another couple. Review: I have been bowling a lot, but this is a lot more fun. I love the cool music videos on the lanes and lasers. Its a good environment to hang with friends and just have a simple fun night.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Rent a Cabin in Big Bear

What? A cabin is a small shelter or house, made of wood and situated in a wild or remote area. When? January 17, 2014. Where? Big Bear, California. Why? I was invited for the last weekend of Winter Break to have one last celebration before school starting. Review: I've been to Big Bear for the day, but never stayed over night and I really loved it. No one really left the cabin, which was disappointing, but other than that, it was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Go To Murphy's Ranch

What? Murphy's Ranch is an abandoned Nazi Sympathizers Compound. When? January 15, 2014. Where? Los Angeles, California. Why? It looked really cool and its a part of American history hidden in a canyon. Review: It was a LONG hike! It felt good to get a good workout while also looking at cool building.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Go To SkyHigh

What? A place covered in trampolines, where people
do acrobatic or gymnastic exercises on a trampoline as a recreation or sport. When? Many times, but most recently January 11, 2013. Where? Costa Mesa, California. Why? It is so much fun and great exercise. Review: I love going here, it is always a blast. I've been five times, and would go again in a heartbeat, its just a little far. There is a closer place, but it doesn't compare to SkyHigh.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Go Bungee Jumping

What? Bungee Jumping is the sport of leaping from a height while secured by a long nylon-cased rubber band from the ankles or hips. When? Sunday, November 10, 2013. Where? Bridge to Nowhere, San Gabriel Mountains, CA. Why? I just turned 18! Review: It was such an amazing experience. Way scarier than skydiving. It is a MUST for any bucket lists!